Graston Technique

Graston Technique breaks down and releases scar tissue. The technique utilizes patented stainless steel instruments, uniquely shaped, to treat different areas of the body. This technique reduce or eliminates adhesions, restoring function and eliminating pain.
Diversified Technique is one of the most standard techniques in chiropractic. It involves analysis of x-rays, leg checks and palpation of the spine to determine the areas of misalignment. Diversified adjustments are almost synonymous with hearing some kind of cracking sound during the procedure. They are excellent at breaking up fixations and restoring natural range of motion and alignment.
Activator is a low force instrument used to make your adjustment. It is a small hand held impact tool in which a quick force is applied to correct a vertebral misalignment according to a set pattern.
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Therapeutic Ultrasound technique is often used to relax the muscles that are too tight around a joint to allow an effective manipulation.
Ultrasound is designed to provide a deep heating effect beneath the skin which encourages blood circulation and relaxation. Ultrasound is completely painless and the most you can expect to feel is a slight warmth.
In one application, the use of ultrasound induces hyperemia, or increased blood flow, as tissue is heated to 40 to 45 degrees Celsius. The thermal affects from the energy produced by the sound waves speeds healing and reduces inflammation. The second common application of therapeutic ultrasound is a cavitational effect that results from the vibrating of tissue. The vibration seems to stimulate cell membranes which encourages repairing effects of cells in inflamed areas.
For Chiropractors, ultrasound therapy can be useful for many different patients. The ‘micro-massage’ that ultrasound creates can help reduce swelling, increase blood flow, and decrease pain, stiffness, and spasms, making it a viable therapy for numerous applications.
Flexion/Distraction Technique
Flexion/distraction is a technique that is a non-invasive and effective means of treating low back pain and more specifically disc herniations, bulges, and spinal stenosis; and it also stretches the musculature. Flexion/distraction uses a specialized table. The patient is placed face down, and then the table is moved into flexion to create negative pressure in the disc. This is necessary to allow for the disc bulge/herniation to regress so as to help restore proper joint function, reduce inflammation and pain, and allow for better movement patterns.
Trigger Point Therapy (N.I.M.M.O)
Also called the Nimmo Receptor-Tonus Method. This is a soft tissue technique that focuses on trigger points. Trigger points are described as hyperirritable spots (sensitive and contracted) in skeletal muscle that are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers. Trigger points are small contraction muscle knots and a common cause of pain. Trigger points may elicit local tenderness or referred pain. Trigger points are generally located through palpation examination.
Trigger point therapy involves applying direct pressure on the point(s) for variable amounts of time (usually a few seconds) thus allowing the muscle to relax and acquire its normal length and relaxation tone. The amount of force used is dependent on patient tolerance.
Reducing trigger points allows the bone to which the muscle attaches to move normally to restore proper joint function. Additionally, trigger point therapy allows for restoration of normal muscle tone and flexibility.
Sports Injuries and Chiropractic
Chiropractic is an integral part of the care that many professional athletes receive. Many Olympic athletes also take advantage of the benefits of chiropractic. Just because you aren’t going to the Olympics doesn’t mean that you too can’t improve your health and performance with chiropractic care.
When it comes to sports injuries, weakness or improper stretching can put you at risk of injury. In addition, an untreated injury may result in further or even permanent damage. It is vitally important to get proper care for any sports injuries, preventing the development of chronic problems.
There are two basic types of sports injuries: the first is the result of a trauma inflicted by a collision, a slip or a fall. The second type is caused by the over-use of a muscle group or joint whereby the repetitive movement of the same area causes an inflammation or injury.
As chiropractors, we’re trained in treating sports injuries, we can advise you in the best way to heal an injury and how best to prevent it from recurring. Treatment can range from massage therapy to joint manipulation, or specific exercises that target problem areas and strengthen previously injured or weakened muscles and joints.
Any sporting activity should be preceded with a warm-up session. It is best to increase the frequency or duration of workouts slowly and progressively as strength and fitness levels increase. Fatigue or stress can be risky when working out, as it puts you at a higher risk of injury.
Working in conjunction with a qualified trainer and a chiropractor can help you stay in great shape and prevent injuries.
If you’ve suffered a sports injury, give our office a call.
Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Most people are amazed that kids get chiropractic adjustments, too. The truth is, everybody with a spine can benefit from natural chiropractic care. Babies and children are no different! The latest research shows that things like, reflux, nursing difficulties, ear infections, colic, and even ADD/ADHD have been linked to problems in the spine that most likely occurred during the birthing process. Restoring the spine to its normal function often helps with these problems.
Not only is chiropractic care safe for children, but the pediatric adjustment is MUCH different than one might expect. Parents mistakenly think their child will receive spinal corrections like ones adults receive. Not only are adjusting techniques modified for each person’s size and unique spinal problem, but an infant’s spine rarely has the long-standing muscle tightness seen in adults. This makes a child’s chiropractic adjustments gentle. Newborns and infants are adjusted with no more pressure than you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato. Many parents have commented that they see almost instant improvements in the well-being of their child. So the next time you make an appointment, make one for your child(ren) as well! It’s never too early to have a properly functioning spine and nervous system.
Pregnancy and Chiropractic
Pregnant women can safely receive chiropractic care. In fact, chiropractic treatments can promote a healthy, stress-free pregnancy by alleviating joint pain, muscle aches and nausea.
Chiropractors are trained to accommodate the special needs of pregnant women. Treatments are modified so that no pressure is applied to the abdomen. Some chiropractors receive specialized training to address specific conditions that can arise during pregnancy. Such a practitioner will have a special table that adjusts to accommodate the belly at all stages of pregnancy.
Misaligned joints may be caused by the massive changes that occur during a pregnancy. Weight gain, changes to the alignment of the pelvis, changes to posture, and increased curvature of the back all contribute to pain and discomfort. Chiropractic treatments can be especially effective in reducing the effects of these physical stresses on the body.
Chiropractic treatment can provide relief for other symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea and morning sickness. Stress to the uterus and its supporting ligaments may be reduced by means of a specialized technique in establishing balance in the pelvis.
Maintaining a healthy spinal alignment will assist the body in functioning more effectively during this significant time of change.
Corrective Exercises
We teach our patients special “blueprint” exercises to help strengthen and correct their own unique problem. These exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home and can improve the effectiveness of your spinal correction. In addition to skeletal misalignment, muscles and connective tissues can be out of place or strained by improper alignment and use. Specific exercises and stretches can help your body stay in balance and in health.
Knee and Leg Pain
Every year, around 100,000 Americans have surgery to relieve knee pain. But studies suggest that many people can avoid surgery through natural, conservative treatments.Chiropractic adjustments, exercise therapy, and weight loss have all been shown to reduce symptoms of knee pain in patients osteoarthritis.
Chiropractic can also ease leg pain associated with sciatic nerve damage and sports injuries.
Hip and Joint Pain
Whether you’re suffering from arthritis or repetitive stress injuries, joint pain can severely limit your quality of life. A chiropractor can use a combination of extremity adjustments and exercise therapy to improve your range of motion and reduce pain.